LT Supers Debate Bids

CLEARFIELD – The Lawrence Township Supervisors accepted a bid and rejected bids at Tuesday’s meeting.

The township received four bids for the 100 tons, roughly, for road patching material. The bids ranged between $74.50 to $87.95 per ton. The supervisors went with the lowest bid by Mike Beaver Trucking.

Supervisor William Lawhead stated that last year they had spent between $80-$100 a ton. Also, base materials for the patching run around $40 to $50 per ton.

On the other hand the supervisors rejected bids for fuel.

The township expects a need for 14,000 gallons, but was looking to have the cost under $24,000.

“We were getting low prices till a month, a week ago,” said Lawhead.

The stumbling block with the bids were a lack of concrete prices. The possibility of advertising for another ground of bids was thrown around.

“I don’t think any of the fuel companies are going to commit,” said Supervisor Daniel Mitchell.

“I say we suck it up and pay it,” said Supervisor Fred Redden.

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