West Branch Students Take Part in Lock Haven Beautification

CLEARFIELD – Flowers and other plants will be greeting visitors to the Lock Haven University’s Clearfield branch.

Students from the West Branch School District’s secondary life skills class arrived at the LHU campus Thursday bringing with them plants they had raised from near seed. This was part of Lock Haven’s second beautification project. The first took place back in 2008.

Marigolds, calendulas, zinnias, asters, impatients and one tomato plant that somehow got mixed in with the seeds were planted by the students with some adult aid. The students also weeded the small plot of land themselves.

“Oh, I think it’s wonderful we’re getting the kids from the school district to come and plant for themselves,” said Terri Neeper, secretary at the main office for Lock Haven Clearfield.

Neeper described the plants from last year’s beautification project as having grown to be “huge” by Summer’s end.

“That’s the best part of it, that they can come here and share their talents,” said Valerie Dixon, acting director of Lock Haven Clearfield.

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