CCCTC: Second Round of Ethanol Courses Under Way

CLEARFIELD – Lois Richards, executive director of the Clearfield Career and Technology Center, told the Joint Operating Committee that the introduction to ethanol course, which has 40 students, got under way Monday night.

She said the course will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings, while this cycle’s math course is scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

“We still have a long list waiting,” Richards said. She said that the introductory to ethanol course was full. “We couldn’t squeeze anymore in (across the hallway).”

Richards said that the math course still has a few student openings.

Based on the availability of a chemistry instructor, she said the center will continue with occupational safety and health administration and chemistry in April.

She said that she had sent a notice about the need for a chemistry instructor to each of the member schools. She said they may need to advertise the position.

Chairman James Smith said that he had a retired chemistry teacher in mind for the position.

“I think they’d be a good candidate,” he said. Richards said that they would welcome retired instructors for the position. She said the position would be part-time and about 18 hours.

She said that they plan to offer another final round of courses possibly at the end of July or in August.

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