DASD Reorganizes, Repine Voted President

DUBOIS – In its last planned meeting of the calendar year, the DuBois Area School District’s board held its annual reorganization meeting.

The members composing the board remain the same, but a new president and vice president of the board were nominated and voted on. The board elected with no votes against, but a few abstaining, Thomas Repine to be the new DuBois Are School Board’s President and James Mackie to be the Vice President. Repine was also picked for the positions of Representative and Legislative Chairperson for the Pennsylvania School Board Association.

Scott Farrel was voted into the position of the alternative Jeff Tech Representative. The position carries a three year term expiring in December 2011, and the man duty is to fill in for the Jeff Tech Representative when latter is unavailable. Should neither are available any board member could fill the role temporarily.

“I think we are going through a lot of positive changes,” said Louis Russel, the former President of the Council.

Russel cited the DuBois sports complexes that have been seeing much activity lately, including Michigan State University’s soccer team practicing before they reached State College for a game against Penn State.

“I just want to do everything I can for the district, and try to give guidance or help to the superintendent. Be fiscally responsible to the tax payers, to provide the quality of education we have been doing here,” said Repine when asked about now being president. “That is our goal here.”

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