DuBois Man Accused of Rape has Hearing

DUBOIS – A hearing was held on Friday for one of two DuBois men accused of raping a DuBois woman.

Stephen A. Henry, 24, is charged with rape, rape-threat of forcible compulsion, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse by forcible compulsion, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse of a person substantially impaired and related charges.

The first person to take the stand was Henry’s co-defendant, Vincent Hart. Hart testified that on Oct. 23 he, Henry, the alleged victim and two other men were drinking together at a West Scribner Avenue. Hart testified that in a 20-25 minute time period he drank three to four beers.

Hart said the woman went to the bathroom and that when she came down the steps, Henry was waiting for her. He said that Henry grabbed her and held a knife to her then dragged her to a couch. He said that Henry held a knife to the woman’s throat.

Hart testified that Henry put the woman’s hands behind her back and shackled her hands behind her back. He said that Henry cut her shirt off then pointed the knife at him and told him to remove her shoes and pants.

“I did,” Hart said. “I was afraid.”

Hart said that he then ran to the kitchen because he didn’t want to know what was going on. He said the woman was crying and that her mouth was duct taped.

Hart stated that as he left the kitchen to then leave the residence, he saw Henry naked next to the woman.

“He was fondling himself,” said Hart.

He testified that he tried to leave but that Henry pointed the knife at him and told him to touch the woman. He said that after that he ran from the residence.

Hart testified that Henry had talked about having sex with the woman before. He said that a few weeks after he met Henry, Henry told him that she was a nuisance in the household.

“He wanted to pay her back.”

Hart said the incident occurred about 10-15 minutes after he arrived.

The alleged victim took the stand next. Her initial testimony was similar to Harts; she, Henry, Hart and the two other men were drinking, listening to music and watching a movie. She said that in a 25-30 minute timespan she drank 6 drinks, as well as a drink she claims Henry told her he drugged.

She said that when she went to the bathroom and came back downstairs, Henry snatched her and put a knife to her neck. She testified that her mouth was duct taped and that her hands were bound behind her back with two bracelets and duct tape.

She testified that her overshirt was removed and that Henry cut her tank top off. She said she asked what was going on that Henry told her that if she said one more word he would cut her throat.

She said that Henry asked Hart if he would “feel me.” She said that Hart said yes.

She testified that when they were on the couch Hart was under her and Hart was behind her and that both penetrated her at different times.

“They took turns,” she said.

She said that she was scared, “pissed off.”

She also testified that Henry told her to give him oral sex.

She said that afterword she was forced to sign a contract or document that stated she was owned by the men at the residence. She said that Henry told her if she told anyone, he would kill her. She testified that after she left she left with one of the other men before cursing him out, fleeing then calling the police.

DuBois City Police Officer Randall Young said that when he talked to those involved he could not detect the odor of alcohol. He said he had a prior contact with the alleged victim, and at that time she was bubbly and speaking outwardly. During this contact, he said she appeared slower, that she complained of having a hard time moving her feet and legs.

Magisterial District Judge Patrick N. Ford held all charges over to court. He also kept Henry’s bail the same, $250,000 straight.

Henry’s co-defendant, Hart, is charged with conspiracy to rape a substantially impaired person, indecent assault without consent, indecent assault by forcible compulsion, indecent assault by the threat of forcible compulsion and indecent assault by impaired compulsion.

He is also being held in Clearfield County Jail in lieu of straight bail.

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