Clothesline Project, Take Back the Night Rally Scheduled for Monday

DUBOIS – This year’s Clothesline Project and Take Back the Night Rally at Penn State DuBois have been scheduled for Monday, April 21. The Clothesline Project will begin at 11:00 in the Student Union. Everyone from the campus and community is invited to attend and decorate a shirt in memory of a victim, survivor, or anyone who has been affected by violence against women.

Fabric paint and T-shirts of assorted colors will be available. Each t-shirt color represents a different violent crime against women. White for women who have died from violence; yellow or beige for women who have been battered or assaulted; red, pink or orange for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted; blue or green for women who are survivors of incest or child sexual abuse; purple or lavender for women attacked because of their sexual orientation, and black for women attacked for political reasons.

The completed shirts will then be hung around campus for a week.

The Take Back the Night Rally will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Union. The rally will feature speakers from Crossroads and Passages, and a survivor of violence will share her own story. There will also be an open mic, where anyone will be permitted to talk about their own experiences. A candle light vigil will be held in front of campus, weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, the vigil will be moved inside the Student Union.

The Clothesline Project and Take Back the Night events at Penn State DuBois are organized each year by the Women’s Liaison Committee.

Committee member’s, Jen Woods, April Niver and Laura Rhoades said, “The reason we do this is because some of us are survivors, and by us speaking out it makes others aware and gives comfort to those who feel alone.”

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