5CD Race: Scarnati Endorses Walker

CLEARFIELD – Republican Congressional Candidate Derek Walker received another endorsement Thursday in his bid for U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania’s Fifth District.

“I am proud to endorse Derek Walker for Congress and I urge all Republicans to join me in voting for him on Tuesday, April 22,” Sen. Joe Scarnati said in a written statement.

Scarnati represents the 25th Senatorial District and serves as the President Pro-Tempore of the Pennsylvania State Senate. The 25th Senate District encompasses nearly 40 percent of the Fifth Congressional District.

“As a small business owner and financial services professional, Derek Walker has the proven business experience needed to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington. For more than 11 years, Derek Walker has helped working families and seniors in rural Pennsylvania plan for their financial security in retirement.” said Scarnati.

“Having the support of Senator Scarnati is an important step in helping our rural communities reinvent themselves. Working together, Senator Scarnati and I will be able to accomplish great things for our region,” said Walker.

Scarnati’s endorsement is added to a growing list of highly regarded supporters of Derek Walker. Also endorsing Walker’s bid for Congress are House Republican Leader Sam Smith, former state Sen. Doyle Corman, and Sen. Don White. Walker also received a letter of support from a large delegation of elected officials from Jefferson, Venango and Cameron Counties.

Walker said he believes he has what it takes to be an effective Congressman, and would be honored to represent the Fifth Congressional District in Washington D.C.

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