Community Action Offers Lateral Assistance to Low Income ORD Customers

CLEARFIELD – Central PA Community Action, Inc will continue to accept applications for ORD Authority Homeowners in need of Lateral Assistance Funding.

To receive an application contact Lorena Mason of CPCA at 800-822-2610, extension 139. Applications may also be received at the ORD Authority office. However if you are in need of assistance to complete the application an appointments can be made by contacting CPCA.

As applications are completed customers will be contacted by mail. All eligible applications will be forwarded to a file to process for award. This grant will serve qualified applicants with those of lowest income being served first. Income guidelines are as follows:

Household size -1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8
Very Low Income 17,700; 20,250; 22,750; 25,300; 27,300; 29,350; 31,350; 33,400
Low Income – 28,350; 32,400; 36,450; 40,500; 43,750; 47,000; 50,200; 53,450

The process of lowest income determinations will be made on an ongoing basis to allow for laterals to be installed in a timely manner.

This grant is made available through the Community Development Block Grant Program and funded by the Department of Community and Economic Development. Central PA Community Action, Inc. and the Centre County Planning Office will administer the grant on behalf of Centre and Clearfield Counties.

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