DuBois Post Office Location Announced, Police Chief Steps Down

DUBOIS – Anxious to put an end to all the calls he was getting asking for the location the post office, DuBois Mayor John “Herm” Suplizio announced at the council meeting that it is expected to go in at the Liberty Marketplace.

The official notification will be given by letter, but the council had been notified by phone earlier that Liberty Marketplace should be the location. During the meeting they were not positive which storefront the post office would go in. It is expected that  it would either be Movie Gallery or Willy’s Pizza.

Suplizio will have thirty days to comment on the choice once the letter arrives giving the official answer.

DuBois city council also decided to renew the Wildlife Pest Control contract with W.C. Scott.

The retainer fee will be $2,450 for 2008. This is an increase of $600 from last year due to rising fuel costs. In 2007 W.C. Scott performed 122 jobs compared to 87 the year before under the prior contract winner. There will be an additional fee of $12.50 per animal with an exception for snakes, hornets and honey bees being higher.

Sunderland Wildlife Pest Control was also contacted about how much their retainer fee would be. Sunderland offered two plans to choose from. Either a straight $3000 with $20 per call, or an alternative of $50 per call and $20 per animal. This alternative plan would require there to be only 49 calls to match W.C. Scott’s bid.

The city council also voted to accept a request by DuBois City Police Chief Ronald LaRotonda to step down from the position. Citing family and personal reasons for the cause, LaRotonda requested to return to officer work instead. LaRotonda was promoted to chief in November 2006.

All the council members were present for the meeting.

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