Curwensville Borough Council Approves Tentative Budget, Cuts Positions

CURWENSVILLE – At their Monday night meeting the Curwensville Borough Council presented a tentative budget. The tentative budget includes a positive balance but came with a cost.

The borough will operate in 2008 with one less full time employee on the borough crew and will not use the assistance of part time police officers.
Running in the black also meant that the borough had to transfer monies form the “Highway Aid Fund” into the “General Budget Fund”. This money will be used for allowed expenses such as salt and anti-skid, electricity and truck repairs but will mean the elimination of a planned street project in the summer of 2008.

Expecting income of $704,532.00 and expenses of $676,913.00 the proposed budget leaves an expected balance of just $27,619.00.

Further crunching the budget, Clearfield Leather (formerly known as Wickett and Craig) was recently granted a tax reassessment on their property from a request dating to 2006. Being awarded a lower property value on an appeal, the tax reassessment means that Clearfield Leather overpaid the Borough for the years 2006 and 2007. Repayment will need made to Clearfield Leather in the amount of $19,414.29.

This repayment was not reflected in the tentative budget figures.

The budget will be on display after 10 days of advertisement and final approval.

On a positive note the borough has received a grant, researched and secured by outgoing Council member Denny Borger, in the amount of $42,000. The monies provided by the Department of Environmental Protection with assistance from Camille “Bud” George D-74 Houtzdale are designated for the ongoing Tanner’s Run Project.

A boom mower will be purchased for $33,810 to maintain the grassy areas and the balance of the money, $8,190 will provide for sediment and debris removal from the channel.

There will be a special meeting of the Curwensville Borough Council on Dec. 27, 2007 to finalize the tentative budget.

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