Boggs Township Passes Open Records Resolution, Ordinances

WEST DECATUR – Boggs Township updated its open records police in a recently adopted resolution.

The resolution outlines the procedure to go through for copies and study of official records. It continues the trend of the last few months to insist on requests being submitted in writing and the rate of applicable fees.

Fees are to be paid prior to receiving the materials, and are placed on photocopies of documents, certification, computer disks, faxed copies and lien letters. Should the information request take more than fifteen minutes to fulfill the request has to reimburse the township at a rate of $10 per hour.

Also outlined within the resolution is the procedure to appeal any denial of a request.

Citizens of Boggs Township present protested the fees for asking information feeling it was an attempt to discourage people from checking into the local government too much.

After the resolution was passed, Supervisor William Dickson moved to send out notices to those with outstanding fees from the old open records policy requiring payment of said outstanding bills. Supervisor Jeffrey Baney seconded the motion and all three approved.

Four ordinances also passed at the meeting. One was concerned with open burning and originated from complaints about citizens burning garbage.

A second ordinance dealt with keeping “noxious vegetation”, plants that aren’t edible, serve some use or ornamental, cut under six inches within the township.

The third dealt with safety measures of buildings and property for the welfare and protection of Boggs township citizens and children.

The final ordinance requires permits for paving, grading, construction of either new, or reconstruction in the case of existing driveways, within the right-of-way of township or state roads. This ordinance was requested by the area PennDOT representative after seeing water was draining off area driveways onto the roads where after freezing would over time lead to faster than expected wear.

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