AG Announces Prison Sentence in McKean County Elder Financial Abuse Case

HARRISBURG – Attorney General Tom Corbett announced a substantial prison sentence for a McKean County woman accused of using a power-of-attorney to financially victimize her elderly mother.

Grace Telese Damon, 42, of Bradford, was sentenced today in McKean County Court of Common Pleas to a prison term of one to three years, to be served at the State Correctional Institution in Muncy, PA. Damon was also sentenced to two years probation, along with 120-hours of community service, and ordered to pay $33,342 in restitution and costs.

Corbett said that Damon was appointed to act in the best interests of her elderly mother under the terms of a power of attorney, but instead of properly administering her mother’s accounts, Damon systematically withdrew or transferred funds for her own benefit. Damon was also charged with emptying a trust account that had been created for her young daughter.

“Elder financial abuse is a serious problem in Pennsylvania, and we are pleased that the court imposed a substantial sentence in this case,” Corbett said. “We cannot allow greed to overpower family loyalty, and will not tolerate cases where individuals abuse the faith and trust of our senior citizens.”

Corbett said that Damon was arrested by agents from the Attorney General’s Elder Abuse Unit in September 2006, following an extensive investigation. The sentencing follows a guilty plea entered by Damon in June 2007 to charges of identity theft, forgery, theft by deception and the misapplication of entrusted property.

Corbett thanked the McKean County Department of Human Services and Area Agency on Aging for their cooperation and assistance with this investigation.

Corbett said that the Attorney General’s Elder Abuse Unit was created in July 2006 to address the growing number of crimes and scams targeted at Pennsylvania’s nearly two-million seniors.

“Sadly, Pennsylvania seniors often suffer at the hands of those entrusted with their care,” Corbett said. “The sole mission of the Elder Abuse Unit is to investigate and prosecute all forms of abuse of the elderly and fight the exploitation of our seniors.”

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