P-O High and Middle Schools Receive Bomb Threats, Schools Evacuated

PHILIPSBURG – Philipsburg-based state police are investigating bomb threats at the Philipsburg-Osceola High and Middle Schools.

The threats were received at both schools at around 9 a.m. Friday morning, according to police. The high school became aware of the threat once a custodian found a written notice in an upstairs boy’s restroom. The notice suggested that a bomb would soon be going off.

The middle school received their threat in the form of  hand-written letter. It also suggested that something would happen in the next four hours.
At this time state police are following up on several leads. Both schools were evacuated immediately by school personnel who later decided to dismiss the students for the rest of the day.

State police and bomb sniffing dogs were searching the school as of 1:25 p.m.

Police believe at this time that the threats are not credible.

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