Clearfield Fourth Ward Polling Place Unchanged

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Commissioners executed an agreement that will allow voters in Clearfield Borough’s Fourth Ward to continue to vote at the former Elk Hose Co.

The county’s agreement will pay Living Bread Ministries for rental of the building twice per year, once for the May primaries and once for the general election in November.

The building, owned by Robert Greenland, will be used by a church youth group.

For the usage of the building, the youth group will receive $40 for each election day.

“We appreciate Mr. Greenland’s consideration on that fact,” said Commissioner Mike Lytle Tuesday.

In addition, the commissioners executed an agreement to solidify the Chester Hill Borough building as a polling place for voters in that precinct.

Lytle said work is being done to secure a voting place for those in Clearfield Borough’s Second Ward. Lytle said the goal is to use the former Second Ward fire hall for voting, but an agreement has not been signed with the new owner. Lytle said the county does have a back-up plan, but everything will be done to keep the same polling location if possible.

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