Make A Difference Day Project Planned

CLEARFIELD – Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of helping others. It is a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Created by USA WEEKEND Magazine, Make a Difference Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Saturday of October.

This year, Make a Difference Day is Oct. 27.

RSVP of Clearfield County has promoted the “Sock It To Me” project for the last three years. This project involves individuals, businesses and organizations donating new socks for area thrift stores, shelters and clothing banks. We would like to invite others to join us in making this year’s project better than ever.
Clearfield County has many thrift stores or organizations where people can go to find good, affordable used clothing. Socks are usually not an item people donate, so RSVP holds a sock drive to help people put “their best foot forward.”

Last year, with the assistance of the Clearfield County Volunteer Network, area churches and other human service organizations, RSVP collected approximately 1,100 pairs of socks. These socks were distributed to women’s and men’s shelters, the Salvation Army, Mercy Mission and the United Methodist Church’s program to provide new sneakers to area school children, the “Sneaker Closet”.

If individuals live in an apartment building, belong to an organization that would like to help, or attend a church that would like to participate in this project, they are asked to call the RSVP office for details.

RSVP is sponsored and partially funded by the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc. Additional funding is provided by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Clearfield and DuBois Area United Way agencies, memorials and contributions.

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