DuBois City Council Looks to Save Money Through Efficiency

DUBOIS – DuBois City Council approved the first step in a program Monday that could save the city and its residents money.

Council approved a proposal from Johnson Controls. The proposal from Johnson Controls would put the city and its residents on a monthly billing schedule for water and sewer. Meters would be read six times daily and would allow the water company to detect leaks or other problems sooner rather than later.

DuBois City Mayor John “Herm” Suplizio said that Johnson Controls would also look at ways to save the city money by looking at air conditioning and heating as well as lighting in city-owned buildings as well changing traffic lights to LED lights, which would allow them to burn longer.

“It’s a lot more efficient,” said Suplizio. He added that one of the purposes of the project was to get the city running more efficiently in general.

The next step for DuBois City Council would be to draft ordinances and hold public hearings.

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