PennDOT Reminds Motorists to Watch for Children Getting Ready for School

HARRISBURG – With school starting in the next couple of weeks, PennDOT today reminded motorists to be alert for school buses and children on their way to, or from, school.

“School bus safety is important and we want to make sure everyone reaches their destination without incident,” said PennDOT Secretary Allen D. Biehler, P.E. “With summer winding down and the school routine beginning, motorists need to take the added precaution of watching for students who are boarding or exiting school buses, respecting school crossing guards who are working to ensure children arrive safely at school or home, and obeying traffic laws regarding school buses and school zones.”

PennDOT reminds motorists to obey Pennsylvania’s school bus stopping law. When approaching a school bus with its red lights flashing and stop arm extended, motorists in all directions must stop at least 10 feet from the bus. Motorists who encounter a school bus on the opposite side of a divided highway should slow down but they are not required to stop. A divided highway is one that is clearly separated by a divider, such as a concrete barrier or grassy median.

Motorists convicted of violating the law face a 60-day driver’s license suspension, five points on their driving record and a $250 fine.

PennDOT also reminds motorists to watch for children who may suddenly dart into the street or from between parked cars, and children walking or riding their bikes to school. In addition to being alert around school bus stops, motorists need to obey speed limits through school zones, which are posted at 15 miles per hour. Failure to obey the posted speed limit in a school zone will result in a fine and three points on a motorist’s driving record.

Students are reminded to take extra precautions to ensure their safety at school bus stops. PennDOT offers students the following school bus safety tips:

-Get to the bus stop 5 minutes early to avoid having to run across the road to catch the bus;
-When waiting for the school bus, stay at least five steps away from the curb or roadway to avoid traffic;
-Wait for the driver’s signal before crossing in front of the bus. Be sure to look LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT to see that all cars have stopped.
-Avoid the “school bus danger zone” by staying at least 10 giant steps away from the bus on all sides so the bus driver can see you. If something is dropped and it is close to, or under, the bus, be sure to tell the driver before retrieving it;
-NEVER walk behind the school bus;
-When getting on and off the school bus, make sure all drawstrings and other loose objects are secure so they don’t get caught in the bus’ handrail or door;
-Talk quietly while on the bus so the driver is not distracted; and
-Remain seated at all times and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before exiting.

For more information about school bus safety and Pennsylvania’s school bus stopping law, visit PennDOT’s Web site and click on the school bus.

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