Clearfield County Commits to Gypsy Moth Program for 2008

CLEARFIELD – They might give you the heebie-jeebies or they might not bother you at all. Either way, they do damage to oak, maple and other trees, and Clearfield County is preparing to ensure that the damage done by gypsy moths in Centre County this year does not come to Clearfield County.

The Clearfield County Commissioners voted to commit to spraying for gypsy moths in 2008.

The cost is estimated at about $17 per acre with the county paying half of the cost. Landowners will pay the other half.

Clearfield County Commissioner Chairman Rex Read said that bouat 1,000 acres of area are estimated to be affected next year with the possibility of more due to what is called “blow-in.”

Blow-in is the movement of larvae from generally upwind, high concentrations.

Speculation is that areas near Black Moshannon on the Centre County line will be most affected next year with pockets of infestation in Guelich, Karthaus, Cooper and Covington townships.

The commissioners noted, however, that successful suppression depends upon the county’s neighbors and their response.

Commissioner Mark McCracken said, “We’d like to see them get more pro-active,” of Centre County.

For more information on the program or to have egg masses counted on your land this fall to determine whether land is eligible, contact Jordan Gilliland, conservation specialist, with the Clearfield County Conservation District at 765-2629.

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