INFO LINK Provides Information and Referral Services

CLEARFIELD – A senior executive at a local company needs to find someone to care for his mother who has Alzheimer’s Disease. A single mother receives a utility “shut-down” notice and needs help locating funds to keep her service going. A teenager calls for information about alcoholism because she is worried about a friend.

Across the United States, these and other individuals with questions are finding that the most direct path to answers is a call to a local comprehensive information and referral program that is ready to link them to resources no matter what the question or how large or small the problem.

Locally, such a program is INFO-LINK. This information and referral program contains information on over 1,400 resources and programs in the county and surrounding areas that provide services and programs for individuals of all ages. The information is contained in a computerized database that is updated frequently to keep it accurate and current.

If an individual or organization needs information, they just have to pick up the telephone and call the local or toll-free INFO-LINK number and a staff person will answer their question or link them to an organization who can answer their question.

INFO-LINK is the only comprehensive database of resources of its kind in Clearfield County. This program is a special community service and outreach effort 
provided by the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, Inc. Anyone of any age who needs information on services available to them may call INFO-LINK for assistance.

INFO-LINK has the ability to generate lists and labels tailored to a specific request by an organization. Mini-directories suited to the needs of the requestor can also be produced for a special fee-for-service arrangement. Small fees are charged to cover printing and preparation costs. Individual consumers who need information or request a list such as a listing of personal care homes in Clearfield County are provided with this service free of charge.

In addition, data collected by INFO-LINK from calls to the program is entered into its database. From this, INFO-LINK is able to produce reports on specific services and the need for these services that has been requested by consumers. Organizations and agencies are able to utilize this kind of data for planning services and levels of service or in writing grants.

The telephone numbers for INFO-LINK are 765-5014 or 1-800-494-5678. TTY calls may be made to 765-2749 or 1-800-494-3594 and asking for INFO-LINK.

INFO-LINK is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Information and Referral and the national Alliance of Information and Referral Systems. AIRS is the professional association for over 1,000 community information and referral providers, primarily in the United States and Canada helping to bring people and services together. AIRS has been in existence for over 30 years and is the primary accrediting and credentialing program for I & R services. INFO-LINK adheres to standards set by these two organizations to ensure consistency and professionalism in providing information that brings people and services together.

INFO-LINK is also the only information and referral program in Pennsylvania that is accredited through AIRS. In addition, INFO-LINK also has staff who have been certified by AIRS as Certified Information and Referral Specialists.

Funding for INFO-LINK is provided in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, Inc., Mature Resources Foundation and local and client contributions.

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