DUI Strike Force to Patrol

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County DUI Strike Force will be conducting DUI checkpoints and roving patrols looking for people driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances over the weekend.

These checkpoints and roving patrols area a continuing effort by law enforcement to bring awareness of impaired driving and the serious problems that it can cause.

It is the Strike Force’s goal to reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by intoxicated drivers in Clearfield County. Motorists who encounter a checkpoint should expect only a minimal delay if they are not impaired by alcohol or a controlled substance.

In addition, police will be checking for and issuing citations for seatbelts violations and aggressive driving.

The checkpoints and roving patrols will continue weekly in Clearfield County through 2007.

People can make the roads safer by:
-Not driving after consuming alcohol.
-Knowing if prescription medication they may be on affects their driving ability.
-Wearing seatbelts.
-Allowing enough driving time so they are not rushed.
-Being a defensive driver, alert to all traffic, pedestrians and actual or potential hazards.

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