Arts Thriving at DASD

DUBOIS – Two groups representing different facets of the arts in the DuBois Area School Area School Districts gave presentations to the school board on Wednesday night.

Fourth and fifth graders from Wasson Elementary School gave a musical presentation. Elementary school music instructor Joe Sensor said that 11 students had gone to the state capitol to perform as part of Arts & Education Day.

“It allows the legislature to see how important art education is,” said Sensor.

Five of the 11 students were able to make the meeting on Wednesday and performed four pieces, including an African drum piece an Israeli piece, as well as ‘America the Beautiful’ and ’50 Nifty United States.’

The high school’s International Thespian Society Troupe 6949 gave a year-in-review kind of presentation.

The students discussed a conference they attended, and included different workshops they participated in at the conference. The students also gave Sharon Kirk, superintendent, a mug for all that she has done for their group.

Parent and teacher Terry Swope thanked the board for their dedication to the arts during the public comment period.

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