Downtown Philipsburg is Open for Business

PHILIPSBURG – Philipsburg’s Front Street is not closed! The Philipsburg Revitalization Corp. wants everyone to know that while construction is under way in the downtown area, people can still access all businesses on Front and Presqueisle Streets.

“Several merchants and their custumers have contacted me with concerns about what appears to be limited access to downtown.” said Emily Gette-Doyle, program manager for the Moshannon Valley Economic Development Partnership, whose duties include administering the Main Street Program. “I want to reassure everyone that even though the signage may be causing some confusion, Front Street is not closed and parking is available.”

The Philipsburg Revitalization Corp. is working with the borough and project managers to provide better directional signage to downtown. In the next few weeks it should become much easier to navigate.

Currently only one block of Front street is closed, between Locust and Spruce Streets, and open to traffic in one lane between Spruce and Pine Streets. The rest of North Front Street is open. Drivers and pedestrians can still access Front Street via Spruce Street. In addition, Presqueisle Street is closed for one block between Front and Water streets and will be for the next several weeks. Businesses located on the closed blocks are still open and can still be accessed by pedestrians.

The PRC’s goal is to return Historic Downtown Philipsburg to the economic and social heart of the community. One tool in the process of revitalization is a historically based streetscape. We will be using modern materials that will give downtown a feel reminiscent of the heyday in its history. The project includes: removing the utility poles and burying or relocating the overhead utilities, replacing the sidewalks, installing traffic calming measures, and installing new streetlights.

Questions or concerns should be directed to the main street manager at 342-2260 or Philipsburg Borough at 342-3440.

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