Ten to 12 Inches Hit Clearfield Borough, Crew Responds Well

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough fared well with this week’s snowfall, according to Clearfield Borough Working Foreman Bill Beveridge.

He told council during Thursday’s meeting that the borough received about 10 to 12 inches of snow over 36 hours, and he said he thought the crew worked well through the slow-moving snowstorm.

“One hundred percent of the roads and alleys are open,” he said.

Clearfield Borough Police Chief Jeff Rhone commended the borough crew for its work in keeping roadways clear, noting that officers responded to only one minor accident due to this week’s weather.

The borough crew is set to begin loading snow out of the borough starting at midnight Friday with the crew working a 12-hour shift.

Beveridge did note, however, that he received a few complaints about borough roads.

“We try to take care of everybody, but it’s kind of hard.”

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