Public Hearing Date Set for RHJ Medical Clinic in DuBois

DUBOIS – A drug treatment center that has been trying to operate in the DuBois area since October is set to have a public hearing in the near future.

DuBois City Council approved April 23 as the date for landowners within 500 feet of 994 Beaver Drive to ask questions and offer comments to representatives of RHJ Medical Center Inc.

At a January meeting of council, representatives asked council for the opportunity to hold the public hearing so that they might re-open their facility at 994 Beaver Drive. That facility was shut down as part of an agreement between the City of DuBois and the medical center.

Council had argued that RHJ was operating in violation of a section of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Toni Cherry, solicitor for the City of DuBois, had asked that the facility not open until the proper steps were taken. RHJ opened shortly after they announced their intentions to open, and while they had originally argued that they were not in violation the MPC, they eventually reached an agreement with the City of DuBois to cease operations until the city granted them permission to open.

To do this, at least one public hearing must be held. At least 30 days notice must be given to the landowners in the vicinity of the proposed site.
At DuBois City Council’s last regular meeting, Cherry urged landowners, students, parents, and all concerned citizens in both the City of DuBois and Sandy Township to attend the public hearing.

The hearing will begin at 6 p.m. at the city building on April 23. Keep reading GantDaily for more information on this story as it becomes available.

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