Golden Tide Baseball Clinic To Be Held In March

Golden Tide Baseball Clinic

A Golden Tide Baseball Clinic for all coaches and players age 7 and up will be held on Saturday, March 31 at the Curwensville Area High School gymnasium.   

Participants will learn the basic fundamentals in a fun and rewarding environment.  Players and coaches will benefit greatly from the skills and knowledge they will take away from if this clinic.  

For complete details on the baseball clinic please visit:

Cut on Line
Early Registration Form
The First 50 Participants Who Pre-Register Will Receive a FREE Golden Tide Baseball T-Shirt
My son, _____________________________ would like to attend the Golden Tide Baseball Clinic on Saturday, March 31, 2007. He will be attending session ______. I understand that my $15 entrance fee is non-refundable.
Signature___________________________ Date:__________

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