Keeping Older Kids Safe

Safety Advice for Older Children

1. Involve “tweens” in family discussions about safety in all motor vehicles.

2. Teach children that safety belts save lives and that an unbuckled passenger is likely to injure others.

3. Make sure the shoulder belt fits correctly across the center of the chest and collarbone, and the lap belt remains low and snug across the hips/upper thighs, and that good posture is maintained.

4. Teach children to counter peer pressure with the facts.

5. Make sure that other drivers have the same rules as you do and enforce them in their vehicles if car-pooling.

6. Limit the number of passengers you transport to avoid driver distraction.

Involve your children in family discussions and setting of “house and car rules.” Discuss who the children are allowed to ride in a car with, when a child should refuse a ride, and that buckling up is required

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