Sandy Township Hears from Residents on Proposed Ordinance Change

DUBOIS – Sandy Township residents had their chance to weigh in on a proposed zoning ordinance change that could alter how farming and agricultural activities happen in the municipality.

In a packed room Tuesday night, those for and against the change spoke their respective pieces.

One of the proposed changes would no longer require that that building permits for commercial, industrial or manufacturing activities be submitted to the planning commission.

Another would change a rule that requires that manure or other odor-causing or dust-causing substances be kept at least 200 feet from lot lines and areas used to feed or water animals be kept 150 feet from lot lines. The proposed change would measure those distances from inhabited structures instead of lot lines.

The final proposed change would allow for agricultural products not grown, bred or raised on the property to be sold on the premises.

Supervisors could vote on the ordinance change as soon as their next public meeting, however a vote is not expected until next month.

A complete copy of the ordinance is available at the township building.

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