Clearfield Borough Considers Low Bid for Sewer Project

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough’s bid for the next step in the sanitary sewer upgrade came in about $2.5 million under the price expected, according to Todd Banks, borough engineer with Stiffler, McGraw and Associates.

Kukurin Contracting Inc. submitted a bid of just under $7.4 million for Phase II of the sewer project.

Banks said, “By far, that’s the low option for the borough.”

The next lowest bidder for the combination project was Glenn Johnston Inc. of McKeesport with a bid of $7.86 million.

“There’s been somewhat of a history with Kukurin in the area, and there’s been some problems up in DuBois,” Banks admitted, but he said he did not anticipate any big problems with the contractor if he is awarded the Phase II bid. (For more on the DuBois reference, click here. The issue is still being debated in Clearfield County Courts.)

“It’s a good number, and I hate to turn it away,” he said.

Because there was no quorum on the borough’s Public Works Committee, a vote could not be taken on whether to recommend the bid for vote by the entire council. Banks was permitted to give Kukurin a notice of intent to award the bid to the company, however, so that necessary paperwork could begin to be filled out.

Banks asked that it be noted that all four contractors that worked in town will be back in the area to clear up problems in the spring.

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