Governor Issues Proclamation, Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day

HARRISBURG — Joining a national highway safety campaign, Gov. Edward G. Rendell has issued a proclamation declaring Oct. 10, as “Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day” in Pennsylvania.

“Safety is our top priority, so Pennsylvania is pleased to join with states across the nation to mark this day as one to remind motorists to practice safe driving behaviors,” said Rendell.

“Safe driving dramatically reduces injury and death,” said PennDOT Secretary Allen D. Biehler, P.E. “That means always using seat belts, not drinking and driving, slowing down in bad weather and obeying traffic laws. If all motorists followed these tips, there would be an immediate improvement in safety statistics.”

According to PennDOT, 1,616 people lost their lives on Pennsylvania roadways in 2005. In the last eleven years – from Jan. 1, 1995, through Dec. 31, 2005, – 16,885 people were killed in traffic crashes in Pennsylvania.

PennDOT urges motorists to follow these safe driving tips:
-Always buckle your seat belt.
-Do not tailgate. Always maintain a safe distance between vehicles.
-Watch your blind spots and the “No Zones” around trucks and buses.
-Keep your eyes on the road. If you need to attend to another matter while driving (cell phone, children, pets, etc.), safely pull over in a parking lot or rest stop.
-Avoid aggressive drivers and driving aggressively. Speeding, running red lights and stop signs, making frequent lane changes and tailgating can create dangerous situations on the road.
-Always signal your intentions in advance. Use the proper turn signals.
-By law, slower drivers must use the right lane so that traffic may pass using the left lane.
-Obey posted speed limits.
-Never drink and drive.

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