Discovery House Planning to Move?

CLEARFIELD – Have you heard that an outpatient drug treatment center is looking at Lawrence Township as its new home?

Either way, the supervisors want anyone who lives, works or plays in the municipality to know that Lawrence Township could very well be the new home to Discovery House.

The company, which has 15 clinics in five states, is looking to move the Pike Township treatment facility to an area near the Clearfield-Lawrence Township Airport.

Supervisors first learned that the facility was considering Lawrence Township as a place to set up shop when a representative of the company stopped at the township building to pick up information on building codes and the township’s zoning.

“Medical clinics are permitted in the area where they are looking at the property,” said James Naddeo, solicitor for the township, at Tuesday’s meeting.

The township has zoning, but so-called “undesirable” land uses such as landfills, drug treatment centers and adult entertainment spots cannot be zoned out.

Several people who live near the proposed site turned out at the meeting to voice their concerns.

“I genuinely wish that I could say to you folks that I have an idea or a way to keep it out,” Naddeo said.

Township officials have been considering amending their zoning plans, but it takes a good deal of time to do so.

“We just can’t get anything in place,” Naddeo said, with Bill Lawhead, supervisor chairman, adding, “fast enough.”

In truth, the township has not received anything official that states Discovery House plans to open in Lawrence Township. 

Naddeo said he could attempt to fight the move, but said, “It’s not my position to spend taxpayers’ money fighting a losing lawsuit.”

Ed Brown, supervisor, asked that residents contact the township if they hear anything developing with Discovery House.

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