Clearfield Man Injured in Iraq

CLEARFIELD – On a day when the nation paused to remember those who died when terrorists attacked America five years ago, a Clearfield family heard some terrifying news.

Twenty-three year old Matthew Lingle of Clearfield, a sergeant in the U.S. Army with the 1st Armored Division, Task Force 1-6 Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, was on foot patrol in Ramadi, Iraq, on Sept. 11 when an improvised explosive device, or IED, exploded near him.

Lingle’s mom, Lesa, said her son was on his second tour of duty in Iraq when the IED detonated. A 7-inch-by-7-inch piece of metal shrapnel lodged in his leg.

“So far, it’s been difficult getting answers,” Lesa said.

What she does know is that Matthew, now stateside, is suffering from some dizziness, and he still has partial hearing loss. She was also told that her son could have some problems with his left hand.

His condition has also been upgraded to “non-seriously injured.”

Matthew is now in Washington, D.C., at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he underwent surgery Wednesday to have a plate put in his arm. Lesa said she and several family members – including Matthew’s dad, Tim; his sisters, Kristen and Jennifer; and his fiancée, Laura Strickland – are preparing to leave to visit him in the hospital.

Lesa said it was after Sept. 11, 2001, when her son decided to join the Army.

This, his second tour, was due to be finished five months ago.

When Lesa received the call from the Army last week, she was at work, and her daughter directed the call to her mother’s cell phone.

“They proceeded to ask me if I heard from him.”

What she learned from the Army official on the other end is something she will never forget.

“They said he was in a shootout,” Lesa said. “I think they give you what you can handle.”

GantDaily spoke with Lesa Friday afternoon as she was packing to visit her son for the first time since he was injured.

“I just can’t wait to see him.”

Matthew Lingle would like to hear from people in the Clearfield area. Letters and cards should be sent to Walter Reed Hospital, Attention: Patient Matthew Lee Lingle, 6900 George Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20307.

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