DuBois City Council Discusses Parking Meters on Long Avenue

DUBOIS – With two-hour parking downtown and no parking enforcement officer to enforce the rule, DuBois City Council discussed placing parking meters on Long Avenue at their meeting Monday night.

“We’re bringing it up tonight to get publicity on it,” said City of DuBois Mayor John “Herm” Suplizio. It was the council’s intention to get the idea out to the public and get feedback on the proposal before making a decision on it.

“We’re looking for feedback from the public,” said Suplizio.

Meters would run on West Long Avenue between Brady Street and Orange Alley, and on East Long Avenue between Brady Street and Rose Alley.

Suplizio said that the matter was something they would like to turn over tot he DuBois Parking Authority.

“We’ve been receiving a lot of complaints about parking,” said DuBois City Police chief Ronald LaRotonda.

LaRotonda said he has been sending officers out to chalk tires and try to enforce the parking regulations, but that it takes up officers’ time that could be used on other issues.

One idea proposed by the chief was to give over $30,000 back to City Council or the DuBois Parking Authority for the purchase of the meters.

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