PSU to Offer Homeland Security Courses to Law Enforcement

University Park, (Penn State) – Penn State’s Justice and Safety Institute (JASI) will host two law-enforcement-focused homeland security courses next week at the University Park campus. The programs are part of a U.S. Department of Homeland Security initiative to improve the capability of law enforcement to prevent and deter weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorist incidents.

Offered in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the Deputy Sheriff Education and Training Board, the courses are designed as train-the-trainer programs so that those attending may go on to train others in their agency or region.

“The courses offer a great opportunity for Pennsylvania law enforcement,” said Don Zettlemoyer, JASI director. “Officers from state, county, and local law enforcement agencies are scheduled to attend.” The courses will be taught by the Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education, which is funded directly by the Department of Homeland Security.

Don Numer, training supervisor for the Deputy Sheriffs’ Training Division of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) said that PCCD and JASI worked together to bring these courses to Pennsylvania. “The training is part of an ongoing effort to equip law enforcement officers with the skills needed to effectively serve as the front line in the nation’s anti-terrorism effort.”

Courses will be held Monday, Aug. 21, through Friday, Aug. 25, at The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel.

Operational Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Response for Law Enforcement, Train-the-Trainer (Aug. 21-23)

This program addresses specific skills associated with weapons of mass destruction incidents by providing detailed technical information and including hands-on practice of required procedures. The course prepares state and local emergency response personnel to perform a critical emergency responder role safely and effectively during a WMD incident. Modules of instruction include: “The Terrorist Threat”; “Risk Assessment”; “Weapons of Mass Destruction”; “Coordinated Response to WMD”; “Personal Protection, Safety and Decontamination”; and “Strategies and Tactics for WMD Incidents.”

Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts, Train-the-Trainer (Aug. 24-25)

This class emphasizes the importance of the law enforcement officer in preventing and deterring terrorist acts as he/she carries out daily duties. Modules of instruction include: “Intelligence, Resources and Terrorist Operations”; “The Importance of the Law Enforcement Officer in Combating Terrorism”; “Recognizing WMD on the Street”; and “Terrorist Trends in Fraudulent Documents.”

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