Summer reading program wraps up, but more to come

CLEARFIELD – With the conclusion of the summer reading program, the Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Libary announces that the prize drawing will be Wednesday at Noon.

Any area youth who would like to come to the library for the drawing is welcome, said Paula Marshall, library director.

“Individuals do not have to be present to win,” stated Marshall. “We will contact any winners not here by phone throughout the week.”

The board of trustees, director and staff thank the community for a summer of reading, literacy, and fun.

“We appreciate the area businesses of our community for their donations that provided incentive for the area youth to keep reading this summer during their school breaks,” Marshall said. Also, library representatives commended parents for supporting the library in its endeavors to get books in the hands of our community youth.

“If it weren’t for the parents bringing their kids down to the library our program wouldn’t have been so successful,” shared Marshall. There was close to 400 youth registered in the summer reading program, and an average of 25 families participated in the Monday evening family nights. “We had such a great summer,” noted Marshall. “There were many books checked out, we had kids reading in the library and outstanding program participation this year.”

The first program that is being offered following the summer reading program is the “Read with Friends” event. The program is under way, but there is still time for area youth to join in on fun of reading with friends. Stop by the library for details.

Cara Artiola, youth services, has been busy planning the “Summers Up” carnival. The event is scheduled for Aug. 8 from 6-9 p.m.

The library invites area youth and families to stop by the library that evening for a night of carnival games and fun.

“You will get wet,” said Artiola, “so come prepared for some water games.”

The library will finish up the summer programming lineup with the “Rock and Roll Library Show,” featuring The High Strung for area teens on Aug. 15 at 6 p.m.

“It promises to be a night of great music and entertainment for all,” stated Marshall. According to William Harmer, teen librarian of the Baldwin Public Library and coordinator of the “Rock ‘n Roll Library Tour,” “Last year the quirky, carefree, energetic music of Detroit’s The High Strung electrified Michigan’s teen patrons with their sunny three-part harmonies and witty, lyrical bravado.

“This year the furious guitars and squonking organ that accompany the band’s catchy sing-along choruses are roaming the country”
Hailed by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the best new young rock and roll bands in America, National Public Radio’s Ken Tucker named The High Strung’s debut album “These Are The Good Times” as one of the Top 10 Rock Records of 2003, and The Washington Post called the title track runner-up best song of the year.

In August, in a segment touting the library tour with The High Strung was also featured on NPR’s “This American Life.”
Shaw Public Library is open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.; Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.; and Saturday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

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