Centre County company fined by DEP

WILLIAMSPORT – The state Department of Environmental Protection has fined Graymont Inc. of Pleasant Gap, Centre County, $7,500 for air quality violations at limestone plants it owns in Spring and Benner townships.

“Graymont needed to improve its record-keeping procedures and its ability to control fugitive dust emissions,” DEP Northcentral Regional Director Robert Yowell said. “The company has done that, and all violations have been corrected.”

DEP inspections conducted last year in July and December, as well as in January 2006, found multiple violations of the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act and air quality regulations at both Graymont plants.

At the Con-Lime plant in Benner Township, violations included improper record keeping, fugitive dust emissions and missing air pollution monitoring equipment.

The Pleasant Gap plant violations included multiple fugitive dust emissions, improper record keeping, broken equipment and two fuel sulfur content exceedances reported to DEP in April and May of this year.

The $7,500 fine was paid to the Clean Air Fund, which finances air quality improvement projects throughout the commonwealth.

For more information on air quality regulations, visit DEP’s Web site at

www.depweb.state.pa.us, keyword “Air Quality.”

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