Man to serve six months in jail for punching child

CLEARFIELD – Paul T. Sawyer II, 34, of Clearfield, pled guilty to charges that he punched a 6-year-old child in the face with a closed fist in June 2005.

Court documents filed in the case show that Sawyer did so after discovering that a 1-year-old girl nearly drowned in a swimming pool on Weaver Street. The same documents also show that Sawyer’s wife, Jacqueline, was supposed to be watching the girl while she was in the pool, but she went inside the house to use the bathrooom.

Paul Sawyer told authorities that he “just went crazy and lost control for a few minutes” after seeing the girl in the pool. The child was airlifted to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and survived the incident. The boy suffered bruising on his face.

Paul Sawyer was sentenced to serve six months to two years in a state correctional institution for his actions. Before being sentenced, he told the judge: “I will take any kind of punishment.”

The judge said that striking the child showed poor judgment on Paul Sawyer’s part.

The state sentence was imposed in the case due to a medical condition experienced by Paul Sawyer. The state sentence will allow doctors to more closely monitor him.

Paul Sawyer pled guilty to enangering the welfare of the child and simple assault. In addition to he jail term, he is to serve two years’ probation, complete an anger management class and have no contact with either of the children.

Jacqueline Sawyer was sentenced to 90 days in Clearfield County Jail in April. She is also serving three years’ probation and is not to contact the children.

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