Amusement tax … on the person, not the venue

CLEARFIELD – Argument has been brewing for some time about Clearfield Borough’s amusement tax, and council provided some clarification to the tax at a recent meeting.

The Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre has been in opposition to the tax because the center is a nonprofit facility.

At Thursday’s meeting of council, Clearfield Borough Solicitor F. Cortez “Chip” Bell obtained authorization from council to send a letter to CAST further explaining the tax.

In that letter, which he mailed Thursday night, he said the tax is not imposed on CAST as an entity, but rather the people who attend plays, concerts and other activities there.

“This is not a tax on CAST,” Bell said. “It’s a tax on people who use any CAST amusement.”

The tax ordinance went into effect Jan. 1 and allows for a 5 percent tax on admission fees for any amusement held within the borough.

Council has retained the right to allow for exemptions on a case-by-case basis.

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