Clearfield Borough Council meets

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough Council met Thursday night with Council Vice President Philip Biancuzzo standing in for President Jim Leitzinger who was absent.

Starting off the meeting was borough resident and Riverfront Festival Committee member Tim Winters who thanked the council and the public for making this year’s festival a success. Winters specifically thanked Clearfield Borough Police Chief Jeff Rhone and Fire Chief John Williams for their support, along with Clearfield Emergency Medical Services and local fire companies. During the three-day festival, an estimated 10,000 people visited Lower Witmer Park to enjoy food, music and local crafters. Next year’s date has not yet been set.

Todd Banks with Stiffler, McGraw & Associates of Hollidaysburg, stated that an environmental consultant recently found petroleum-contaminated water and soil on the property of William G. Satterlee and Son Inc. on Park Avenue in Clearfield.

The group is requesting that a sewerage tape be placed on the property as they will be installing a pump and treatment system. Banks explained that the borough will charge them the standard sewerage rate. A motion was carried to send a letter outlining fee structure and specifications for the tap to be installed this fall. Banks said there has been no contaminated soil or water found in sewer projects thus far.

A town meeting will be held June 27 at 7 p.m. at the Third Ward Fire Co. Representatives from several borough departments will be available.

The resignation of George Hunsinger leaves a Second Ward council position open. Applications must be received by July 5 at 4 pm.

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