Three men sentenced for stealing from Novey Metal Co.

CLEARFIELD – Three of the four men who have entered guilty pleas for stealing nearly $16,000 from Novey Metal Co. will spend the next six months in jail.

Dennis K. Johnston, John E. Luzier Jr., Aaron S. Luzier and Donald F. Geer were all charged with criminal conspiracy to commit theft by unlawful taking, theft by deception and receiving stolen property.

Statements made in court Monday and Tuesday revealed that Johnston – who now lives in Nevada – was an employee of Novey Metal Co. in June 2005 when he arranged with the other three men to steal metal from the company and then sell it back for cash.

Johnston’s original plea agreement called for him to be sentenced to 90 days in Clearfield County Jail if he paid his share of the restitution (more than $3,900) in full before being sentenced. Clearfield County President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman did not accept the plea, noting the statement made by a current Novey Metal Co. employee that other workers at the company have not had raises or bonuses as a result of the company’s losses, which were caused by Johnston’s actions.

The employee who spoke before Judge Ammerman said, “Even though there were four guys who participated in this crime, Mr. Johnston was a trusted employee.” Further, the employee said that some of the crimes were committed while Johnston was “on the clock.”

Both Luziers were sentenced to six months in CCJ because their share of the restitution was not paid. Geer’s case was continued until next month.

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