CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County District Attorney Ryan P. Sayers announced his candidacy for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County. This announcement follows the decision of Judge Fredric Ammerman to retire at the end of his current term.
Sayers has been the elected District Attorney of Clearfield County since January of 2020, and is currently in his second term. As District Attorney, Sayers directly supervises an office staff of eleven. Working in cooperation with state and local law enforcement agencies, Sayers oversees over 1,200 criminal cases each year.
During his tenure as District Attorney, Sayers has handled numerous trials and prosecuted a wide variety of criminal cases from murders to drug dealers to child victim crimes. As District Attorney, Sayers brought a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers and distributors on behalf of the people of Clearfield County due to the opioid epidemic that has plagued the area. In conjunction with the Clearfield County Commissioners, the lawsuits have resulted in over two and a half million dollars in settlement proceeds so far. Sayers and other county leaders are advocating a portion of these fund be used towards establishing a diversionary Drug Court program in order to combat the drug and overdose crisis. Drug Courts have been studied around the country and participants are statistically less likely to relapse and/or end up back in the criminal justice system.
While waiting on the implementation of the Drug Court program, Sayers has instituted the Law Enforcement Treatment Initiative (LETI) as a diversionary program for drug users to get the assistance they need to break their cycle of addiction. This program has had a number of successful graduates over the last few years with more individuals currently working to change their lives for the better.
Sayers holds quarterly meetings with all law enforcement agencies in the county, and has improved communication and cooperation between the different law enforcement agencies at all levels. This has led to larger scale drug cases being prosecuted at the county level, certain drug cases being adopted for prosecution by the U.S. Attorney’s Office at the federal level, and successfully taking drug traffickers off the streets with lengthy sentences to state and/or federal prison.
Sayers said of his candidacy, “Over the past five years, the people of this great County have trusted me with the Office of District Attorney, which includes the broad power of prosecutorial discretion. Each day, I make decisions relating to cases in order to protect the people of Clearfield County and to seek justice. During my career, I have been a prosecutor, defense attorney, and handled a wide range of civil matters and therefore have the unique experience of understanding the diverse cases that would come before me. I am running for judge to bring that knowledge and same fair approach to the bench.”
Sayers added, “Throughout my time as District Attorney and formerly when in private practice, I have noted some changes that would best serve the people of this county in both criminal and civil matters. As part of this goal to update policies and procedures, I will work with Judge Cherry and the attorneys that practice in Clearfield County to address concerns and modify processes. In particular, I have seen the power of diversionary courts and the positive impact they have on people’s lives and improving community safety. Therefore, as a judge, I will work with Judge Cherry to finally implement a Drug Court in Clearfield County and to also restart the Teen Court program.”
Sayers is being supported by the Committee to Elect Ryan P. Sayers with campaign chair Roger Rorabaugh, vice chair Jim Moyer, treasurer Andy Spencer, and committee members Melanie Rorabaugh, Paul Sayers, Therese Sayers, C. Alan Walker, Judith Walker, and Susan Williams.
Outside of the courtroom, service to the community is an important part of Sayers’ life. He volunteers his time and talents with numerous nonprofit organizations to include being on or formerly serving as an executive board member for the Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre, the Clearfield YMCA, the Clearfield County Bar Association, the Bucktail Council of Scouting America, the Good Samaritan Center, the Greater Clearfield Chamber of Commerce, and the Young People Who Care. Of those organizations, Sayers served as president of the Clearfield YMCA, Clearfield County Bar Association, and the Good Samaritan Center.
Due to his service to these organizations, Sayers has been honored to receive Duquesne University’s Mind, Heart, & Spirit Award, Scouting America’s Silver Beaver Award, and the Great Clearfield Chamber of Commerce’s Director’s Choice Award.
In his ‘free time’, Sayers is a tenor in the Clearfield Choral Society, cantors at St. Francis Roman Catholic Church, performs on stage in shows and musicals at the local community theatre, runs ultramarathons, and enjoys the outdoors by hunting, hiking, camping, kayaking, and golfing.
Sayers is a graduate of Clearfield Area High School and earned his bachelor of arts degree from Washington & Jefferson College, majoring in History and Political Science. He then went on to earn a juris doctorate from Duquesne University School of Law. Sayers lives in Clearfield and is the son of Paul and Therese Sayers of Frenchville.