Chester Hawkins announces his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the Office of Sheriff for Clearfield County in the upcoming Primary Election.
“I was privileged to have run this Office for 36 years. I have presently been working as a part-time Deputy for Sheriff Mike Churner since he took office in 2018.
Since Sheriff Churner has decided not to seek another term, I have decided to again seek election as your Sheriff.
As your prior Sheriff, I maintained a highly qualified and trained Deputy staff, who received update training yearly. I upheld my sworn duties and effectively worked to promote goodwill between the citizens and county.
My Deputies and I presented safety and the D.A.R.E. programs to the children in the schools in Clearfield County and also other organizations, when requested. I was also honored to be elected to the Pennsylvania Sheriff’s Executive Board and also this Association’s President. I was privileged to have been appointed to the Sheriff’s and Deputy Sheriff’s Education and Training Board by Governor Tom Ridge.
After graduating from the Moshannon Valley High School I served in the United States Air Force and also the Pennsylvania State Police prior to joining the Clearfield County Sheriff’s Office.
I am affiliated with the Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Clearfield; The F&AM Noble Lodge -#480 of Curwensville; Past Exalted Ruler of the Clearfield Elks B.P.O.E. #540; A Life Member of the Clearfield VFW-Michael J. Sicks Post #1785; The American Legion John Lewis Shade Post #6 and the Olympic and Athletics of DuBois.
My first wife was the late Sandra M. Harasti and we have one daughter Roemehl, who resides in California. I reside in Clearfield with my present wife Elizabeth A. Shiroke of Morrisdale/Lance.
I would like to thank Sheriff Churner for his service to the County and for his endorsement in the decision I have made to again seek the Office of Sheriff. Also included in this thanks is my wife, daughter and friends with their help and advice in helping me make this decision.
And to the residents of the County, I pledge to continue to provide the common sense services that all of you expect and should receive. I would greatly appreciate your support and vote in the upcoming primary election. Thank all of you so very much.”