Explore Jefferson: Terrion Gates Guilty of Second-Degree Murder, Facing Life in Prison

INDIANA COUNTY, Pa. (EYT) — District Attorney Robert Manzi announced on Friday that Terrion Gates has been found guilty by a jury of Second-Degree Murder, Robbery and Conspiracy to Robbery.

In October, 2020, Gates, along with his three co-defendants, conspired to rob the victim, Jaedyn Wright at the Carriage House. While the other three co-defendants only planned on robbing him, Gates escalated the situation when he brought his gun and fired the fatal round that
killed Wright.

The jury was selected for this matter from a pool of over 100 potential jurors on Monday.

The Commonwealth presented our case, including an expert witness, video recordings, cell phone records and other evidence starting on Tuesday and lasting until Thursday. The jury was instructed by the court and began deliberations at 1:40 pm Friday. At 4:10 pm, the jury returned a verdict of guilty on the charges on Second Degree Murder, Robbery and Conspiracy to Robbery.

Gates will be sentenced on November 15, 2024 at 8:30 am. Gates is facing a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

This matter was prosecuted by First Assistant District Attorney Dennis J. Clark and Assistant District Attorney Stephen M. Paskowski. This matter was investigated by the Indiana Borough Police Department and the affiant on the matter was Retired Detective John Scherf.

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