The Fraternal Order of Eagles, a non-profit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope.
The organization emphasizes its motto of “People Helping People.” This is exactly the reason the local Aerie #812, of Clearfield, started this scholarship five years ago.
The Aerie officers and patrons voted to start the scholarship in hopes to help local Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School graduates pursue their higher education.
They have developed a local Scholarship Committee just to oversee this scholarship, review the applications and choose the recipients.
The scholarship is advertised as one $1,000 scholarship. The Aerie once again received several applications this year.
As part of the Scholarship Committee, Secretary Justin Hainsey ensured it was tough to choose just one recipient.
This year, the Scholarship Committee was able to pass by a majority vote to grant 13 recipients from the applications they received, totaling $9,000.
The Clearfield Eagles would like to thank all of those that applied for this scholarship and wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors. The Eagles look forward to future applicants in the upcoming years.
Vice President Joe Biancuzzo and Secretary Justin Hainsey, on behalf of the Scholarship Committee, were pleased to present the following 2023 F.O.E. Scholarship Winners at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School’s award day ceremony on May 18:
- Alaina Fedder – $1,000
- Karlee Luzier – $1,000
- Camden Gormont – $1,000
- Rylee Ogden – $1,000
- Nicolette Maines – $1,000
- Abby Ryan – $500
- Abigail Simcox – $500
- Cara Turner – $500
- Cole Miller – $500
- Isaac Samsel – $500
- Sarah Catherman – $500
- Beth Struble – $500
- Scarlett Singleton – $500