Clearfield SD Approves Final Budget with 4-Mill Tax Increase

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield school board on Monday approved its final general fund budget for 2022-23 with a 4-mill tax increase.

It calls for revenues of $44.66 million and expenditures of $51.36 million, creating a projected deficit of nearly $6.7 million.

The budget deficit can be directly attributed to extraordinary increases in cyber-charter tuition and rising operational costs.

(Click here to read more).

“There was no movement – nothing to change the numbers [from the tentative budget],” commented Business Manager Sam Maney.

The board then passed a tax resolution to raise real estate millage by 4 mills from 101 to 105 mills.

It kept both the earned income tax and real estate transfer tax at 1 percent and the local service tax at $5.

The board also approved the Capital Projects and Cafeteria Fund budgets in the amounts of $517,500 and $1.65 million, respectively.

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