CURWENSVILLE – Residents of Curwensville Borough will enter 2021 with no tax increase.
At Monday’s meeting, the Curwensville Borough Council voted to approve the final 2020-2021 budget. The budget will hold taxes at 26 mills. This means the owner of a $50,000 home will pay about $681 in taxes.
Residents of Curwensville Borough must also pay taxes to Clearfield County and to the Curwensville Area School District.
The 2020-21 budget lists total revenues at $919,649.78. Revenues in Curwensville Borough are generated from property taxes; business and licensing permits; fines and forfeits; interests, rent and royalties; state shared revenues; department earnings; public safety reimbursements; culture and recreation and miscellaneous revenues.
The budget lists total expenditures at $885,697.62. These expenditures include public safety (police, fire, and code enforcement); public works; animal control; culture and recreation; community development; employer-paid benefits and insurance; and capital expenses.
Also, at the meeting, the council voted to approve the street department contract for 2021-2023; the borough’s membership renewal with Clearly Ahead in the amount of $100, and to pay the bills in the amount of $126,791.16.