CLEARFIELD – Waterline work is progressing on Woodland Road and Front Street in Clearfield Borough.
At Tuesday’s Clearfield Municipal Authority meeting, Manager John Williams and Engineer John Balliett of Gwin, Dobson and Foreman, updated the authority board about the two projects.
Williams said Harger Utilities has completed the mainline work on Woodland Road. Crews will be installing the insertion valves and completing tie-ins over the next few weeks. The project is expected to be completed by mid-October.
For the Front Street project, Dave Roman Excavating has started work and is expected to complete the project by the end of the year.
Motorists are asked to use caution when traveling in these areas.
Williams and Balliett said the authority has received the part II WQM permit from the Department of Environmental Protection for the Industrial Park Pump Station improvements. The authority plans to begin advertising for bids for the project this month.
Also, at the meeting, the authority board voted to approve awarding the bid for aggregate stone to Woodland Equipment and Supply Company in the amount of $14.65 per ton, for 400 tons of 2A stone and $17.15 per ton, for 100 tons of 3B stone.