CLEARFIELD – The Presbyterian Church in downtown Clearfield will be offering alternative means of praise and worship for the next several weeks, and they invite everyone to participate.
Effective immediately, the Presbyterian Church of Clearfield building will be closed to the general public. This includes the cancellation of all in person worship services, meetings and group activities.
Church staff will be available by phone at 814-765-3081 and by e-mail at jericho11@verizon.net in the church office Sunday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for communication and community assistance.
Pastoral care will continue to be available as necessary. The Kurtz Garden will remain open for personal prayer and meditation.
The church carillon will ring out familiar hymns and contemporary praise songs daily every hour on the half hour, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Worship services will be available online Sunday morning at 11 a.m. through Facebook Live, and will later in the day appear on the new church Web site. Additional prayers, music and meditations will also be posted throughout the week.
The Presbyterian Church of Clearfield invites its members and others in the community to follow them on Facebook (Presbyterian Church of Clearfield) and visit them online at www.clearfieldpresbyterian.org to stay connected with the church.