CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Career & Technology Center is proud to announce Students of the Quarter for the first marking period of the 2019-20 school year.
Instructors select students for this award based on student’s overall citizenship and work ethic. Students are from the morning session and are first-year students who are all juniors.
In front, from left to right, are: Gabriel Rose, welding; Remy Matthews, metal engineering; Kay Zimmerman, cosmetology; Emma Geyer, digital media arts; Kara Coval, health occupations; Justin Hand, electrical; Caelyn Zattoni, carpentry; and Dustin Young, culinary.
In the back, from left to right, are: Nathan Bloom, HVACR; Kaleb Guiher, masonry; Kadon Oswalt, information technology; Jack Danko, drafting and design; Jacob Vaux, diesel; and Rave Gilbert, automotive.
Missing from photo is Noah Bloom, collision repair.
Please visit the CCCTC Facebook page to see lists of students who earned high honors, honors and perfect attendance.