This summer, the Mahaffey Family Camp and Bible Conference marked its 125th anniversary at the church campgrounds in Bell Township, near Mahaffey.
The camp conference is a time-honored county institution that has brought together the faithful in an atmosphere of fellowship and religious devotion since 1894. Its only interruption was in 1943 during World War II.
The camp meeting today is sponsored by the Western Pennsylvania District of the Christian Missionary and Alliance Church and bills itself as “A Christian Center for Spiritual Growth”.
It is a 10-day affair that offers reasonably-priced dorm accommodations, campsites and meals. Each day is planned with religious services, Bible study and recreational activities for kids and adults. Generations from near and far have attended the camp.
The photo shown was likely taken in the early 1950’s. It shows an old-fashioned full immersion baptismal service in the adjacent West Branch of the Susquehanna River. The large crowd gathered to pray and sing hymns.
The camp’s Web site proclaims, “When you enter our gate, you will sense God’s presence and peace.”