CURWENSVILLE – Several items of business were discussed during Monday’s Curwensville Borough Council meeting.
Work to fix a stormwater problem on Bradley and Anderson streets is one step closer to starting.
Council approved application for a permit through the state Department of Transportation since some of the work will affect state Route 453, Susquehanna Avenue.
Aaron Kerin, engineer with EADS Group of Altoona, said new pipe will be installed down both streets to connect to inlets on Susquehanna Avenue.
He added a plan regarding soil erosion will also need to be submitted to the county before work can begin.
Code Enforcement Officer Tom Carfley said he is continuing to work on ongoing issues including grass not being cut at 31 abandoned properties.
He also noted an issue with a dumpster on Anderson Street, which has not been emptied and neighbors have been complaining.
Mayor John Adams reported Police Chief Mark Kelly has requested permission to attend a Firearms Instructor Certification Course in June.
His certification ends in June. The course is a week-long event in Harrisburg. Council members questioned his need to have an instructor certification and said they could not spare him for a week anyhow.
His request to join the International Association of Police Chiefs at a cost of $150 was also denied.
Council approved several service quotes including a quote of $575 from Loretta’s Office and Business Cleaning Service to do spring cleaning at the borough building, which includes top scrub of all tiled floors and strip and waxing the men’s restroom as well as other work.
A proposal from Penn Central Door to repair the main garage door at the borough garage at a cost of $1,120 was approved with council agreeing that the heavy-duty door that was installed 32 years ago is still good.
Also, a quote of $4,200 from Arbor Pro to trim and remove trees on Bressler Road was approved.
After an executive session, advertised as being for personnel, the board approved a rental agreement to be sent to the solicitor, hiring Teresa Bracken as part-time secretary at $15 per hour, and paying Tracy Kester for two hours of overtime with Tom Carfley voting no.
Also, the council is going to look into having a $10,000 Susquehanna Greenways Grant applied to work to build a new walkway from Irvin Park to the river to improve access.